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Common Illnesses Going Around This Winter Season

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, October 26 2023

As the winter season approaches, it brings with it not only chilly temperatures and festive holidays but also a resurgence of common illnesses that tend to circulate during this time of the year. From the pesky common cold to the more serious threats like the flu and respiratory infections, staying healthy can be a

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How To Stay Protected From The Flu

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, October 26 2023

The Flu season in the Portland Area is here, and experts are warning it could be a particularly bad one. The flu seasons varies by region, but it typically starts in October and usually dies down by mid-March. Peak flu activity is generally December through February. But since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spread of flu has been much...

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Can I Go To Urgent Care For Chest Pain?

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, January 6 2023

Chest pain can occur anywhere on your chest. Your back, lungs, ribs, muscles, or the center of your chest may hurt. Sharp or mild chest pain can occur. In addition, you may have tightness, ache, or the sensation of your chest being crushed or squeezed. However, not all chest pain indicates a heart

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What Is A DOT Physical?

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, January 6 2023

Professional truck drivers and bus drivers can expect their boss to require a DOT physical or a Department of Transportation physical. The DOT physical exam is a test that everyone who wants to drive a commercial motor vehicle must take (CMV). This test makes sure that all commercial drivers' daily health checks are up to par. In addition, it...

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Can You Get STD Testing At Urgent Care?

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, January 6 2023

Sexual health is a major part of healthcare, including STDs, but it's a sensitive topic. Urgent care can help without the embarrassment and provide all the information you need. Before making a decision about how to handle your sexual health, take a look at the information below to help you determine if urgent care is the right choice for

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Can Urgent Care Refer You To A Specialist?

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, January 6 2023

A specialist referral is a written request to a doctor who specializes in a specific medical condition. Your primary care provider is usually the one who writes it. However, an urgent care practitioner may issue a specialist referral for you after your visit if they feel it's necessary for your care. Referrals are a direct order sent to your...

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Should I Go To Urgent Care After A Car Accident?

Dr. Mark Hosko, MD, January 6 2023

If you are involved in a car accident, you should get treatment as soon as possible. If you do not have any visible evidence of injury or suffering, you should seek medical attention immediately. You can get an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment at an urgent care center. After your mishap, do not be afraid to see an urgent care...

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What Is PIP Insurance?

Teri Lou, December 19 2022

If you have ever been in a car accident, you know there is a chance that you or your passengers could get hurt in a car accident. Personal injury protection (PIP) can pay for your and your passengers' injuries, no matter who was at fault for the accident. As part of their "no fault auto insurance" laws, many states require PIP. This makes it...

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What Can Cause Knee Pain Without Injury?

Teri Lou, December 19 2022

Knee pain is a typical problem that many of us may experience at some point in our lives. In some cases, the causes are evident, such as twisting, overstretching, and other frequent knee ailments. Another common problem with knees is pain without any injury or trauma. People over 55 are the most likely to develop knee pain without injury, but...

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Does Urgent Care Do COVID Testing?

Teri Lou, December 19 2022

Many urgent cares do COVID testing for those with coronavirus-like symptoms. Urgent cares often offer multiple COVID tests with varying result times and methods. For Different Types of COVID Testing in Portland, Learn More with These Dedicated Webpages Result times can vary but often take between one and three days after testing to get the...

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